Join Frontera de Cristo and the Migrant Resource Center as We Choose Welcome

The number of migrants has increased on both sides of the border. Will you help Frontera de Cristo welcome them?

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The number of migrants has increased on both sides of the border. Will you help Frontera de Cristo welcome them?

Frontera de Cristo and the Migrant Resource Center Choose Welcome

Since December 2020, Frontera de Cristo has been blessed to partner with the Migrant Resource Center and its incredible team of volunteers to welcome between 3,000 and 4,000 men, women and children each month.

We have been overwhelmed by the response of our community who has chosen to respond with welcome and not fear. One member shared: "If we all share a little, we will have more than enough." In a meeting we requested, the Mayor of Douglas said "While this is a federal responsibility, it is an opportunity for our community to serve and service brings us closer to God."

We invite you to participate in our We Choose Welcome campaign to work with the Douglas and Agua Prieta Community to receive our sisters and brothers with love and care. While we will never know each person’s reasons for seeking freedom in the United States, we know these individuals are here now and we choose to welcome them.

One of Frontera's supporters who was down on the border for Good Friday, Dan Abbott, shares: On Good Friday we had a handful of station crossers on the US side. More than 25 were on the Mexican side; this was the first time both sides of the border participated. He continues:

Theologians have a term, “thin space,” to describe that place, either geographic or spiritual, where heaven and earth are the closest. Celebrating the Stations of the Cross along the border wall early on Good Friday morning is one of those “thin spaces” for me. In the dark, with the desert silently resting, the wall looms even larger as it extends into the distance. The lights erected in the US eerily contrast with the darkness on the Mexican side-the silence interrupted by the occasional barking of a dog across the fence.

We are reminded that we belong to God, and that our scriptures repeatedly encourage us to welcome the stranger, the alien, the foreigner in our midst.

God is in this “thin space.” As the sun rises behind us our meditations bring us into the light; a light where in spite of the conflicts that swirl around the leaders of our countries, our God walks with each migrant as they seek a better life. The love of God surrounds all of us, reminding us that we can do better.

At Frontera de Cristo, in the Dougla-Prieta Community, We Choose Welcome, and we invite your donations to support our welcoming efforts.